Via NPR: "Is This A Snowy Wonderland Or The World Inside A Petri Dish?" & courtesy of Rogan Brown
“By mixing science and art, observation and imagination I hope to elucidate both, the breathtaking detail and complexity that exists at every level of scale in nature transformed by the eccentricity of the individual imagination.”
Artist Rogan Brown takes inspiration in Nature and the infinitesimally small to create one of a kind paper sculptures, and works in an interdisciplinary fashion, for example by meeting with microbiologists, to help planning his exhibits.
The execution process, while relying on planar material, becomes inherently 3D as the artist conceives the final sculptures, and assembles layers to create them. So this art-meets-science work already highlights a very interesting element of 2D to 3D thinking.
The layers are painstakingly cut by hand, and interestingly, via laser cutter for most recent works. As digital fabrication progresses, the use of technologies such as laser cutting and 3D printing opens the door for artworks that push us to see Nature under different lights and better grasp some of its dimensions, and perhaps its beauty. Could this intersection of science and art also help approach learning and teaching science in different ways? :)